You may see a private message from user "huynhnhu9152"
Yes, this is a spam message. I have an administrative tool where I can delete private messages a user has sent before I delete the user, however I neglected to do that on this occasion before deleting the user from the database.
So please just disregard and delete the message. Sorry for the inconvenience ...
“Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.” ― Vince Lombardi Jr.
Bob Frye
GSU fan since 2011
...father to a former Eagle great...
husband to the mother of that former Eagle great...
and I will have my vengence, in this life or the next!
EKU class of 1984 Ind. Electronics Technology
The artist formally known as William Robert.
On the correlation of recruiting rankings and national rankings
Got a random Private Message today from VoMinhh4
HoThucz9 private msg spam this am
Got another spam PM this morning
Laney Claxton
BBA 1987
Me 3.
No longer eating crow for saying "The TO is gone get over it!!"
User name HoThucz9.
The artist formally known as William Robert.
On the correlation of recruiting rankings and national rankings
Taken care of.
If you get these, feel free to 'Report Post'. That sends me a direct email. I'm not on the boards reading threads as much as you might think , especially during my normal business hours.
“Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.” ― Vince Lombardi Jr.